Forest Hill Drive and Guerilla Hollow are closed until further notice.

Attitude of Gratitude, Isaac’s Café Specials, November 21-25

By Kathy Hart

11-21-16-special-thanksgiving-soupThis week, I hope you will join me in what I am calling my “attitude of gratitude”.  What better time than the present to focus not on the things out of our control, but on the little pleasures that can make each day special?

My sister, Tena, has this wonderful ritual of instead of counting sheep, she makes a gratitude list in her head as she is trying to fall asleep.  I’ve been doing this and now swear by it.  I have found that I need to focus on specific areas of my life or even my day, or I tend to repeat myself night after night. Last night, I focused on Bernheim, even more specifically, Isaac’s Café.

I’ll only share a few of the highlights, but you get the picture.  I am thankful for a hardworking, dedicated staff who are enthusiastic and eager to provide great tasting food, in a friendly welcoming atmosphere. I am so truly grateful for the selflessness of amazing volunteers who come out week after week and take on whatever task is given them and many times, it is mounds of dirty dishes.  I am thankful for the sparkling dew (and now frost) on the vegetables as I harvest from the Edible Garden in the mornings.  I am grateful for the Crock Pot and panini grill in our tiny kitchen, going above and beyond what any small appliance should.  I am thankful for the smiling faces of visitors when they realize they can get a hot bowl of homemade soup when they didn’t even know we had a Café in the Visitor Center. This list could go on and on but I run the risk of getting sleepy.

I challenge each of you to come out to Bernheim and make a mental list of all the things for which to be thankful and instead of counting those sheep, count your blessings. I hope Bernheim is one of them.

Come out this week for our $6.95 “Pardon a Turkey, Thanksgiving special”. It is a cup of all the tastes of Thanksgiving wrapped up in a soup, a side of Waldorf salad, cranberry relish and a slice of pumpkin pie! By the way, no turkeys were harmed in the making of this soup.

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