Bernheim is closed on Tuesday, February 11.

A Look at the Wild Turkey Strut

By Andrew Berry

People often hear the tom turkey gobbling on spring mornings, but seldom do you get a chance to see a wild turkey strut. The turkey strut is an incredible courtship display that is intended to attract hens and display dominance. This compilation of trail camera images is made into a quick video that we believe includes two tom turkeys and at least three hens. It captures one hour of strutting on April 8, 2020 in a small forest opening on a ridge in central Kentucky.

The strut includes

  • Puffing up all feathers to look larger
  • Fanning and displaying of tail feathers
  • Engorgement of head and neck causing color changes from blue to red
  • Lowering of wings towards the ground
  • Elongation of the snood at the top of beak

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