By Jenny Zeller
The deadline for Bernheim’s 2023 Artist Residency Program was November 28, 2022, and we are thrilled with the overall number, diversity of media, and geographic range of this year’s pool of applicants. We received a total of 215 submissions from 34 states and 27 countries (including Bangladesh, Korea, Ukraine, Kenya, Barbados, Italy, and Australia)!
Additionally, there were a record number of regional artist applicants from Kentucky and Southern Indiana with 40 regional applications and 55 artists who applied to Bernheim’s Environmental Artist in Residence. Bernheim’s Arts in Nature team is currently poring through the submissions and excited to see such thought-provoking residency proposals.
Applications are distilled through a two-tiered online review process into a shortlist, which is first brought to Bernheim staff and then to an esteemed rotating panel of regional curators, alumni artists, and art leaders where final selections are made. Applicants will be notified of their application status by mid-February 2023 or as soon as possible, depending on the availability of the reviewing panelists.
Stay tuned for the exciting results!