Forest Hill Drive and Guerilla Hollow are closed until further notice.

Report trail conditions

Volunteer Trail Inspection Report

Volunteer report for monitoring trail conditions. Please only use this form if you've completed a Trail Ranger Training Hike. For information on becoming a Volunteer Trail Ranger, please contact the Volunteer Coordinator at

MM slash DD slash YYYY

Report on Trail Condition

Use the boxes below to report on trail conditions.
Please check here if your trail does not need any work
If the trail was in good condition, you may continue to the end of the survey and submit without completing the rest of the form.
Trail Clearing
Blazes (Trail Markers)
Treadway Stability (erosion control)
Treadway Dryness (drainage)
Trail Bridges

Report Trail Problem Areas

Trail Problem
Check if present and add location - example: 10 minutes counter-clockwise on trail
Feel free to upload a photo of any maps, drawings, etc.
Accepted file types: jpg, jpeg, png, gif.
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.