Forest Hill Drive is closed.

Seasonal Prairie Trails (1-2 mi)

By Bernheim

Stroll through mowed pathways across the grassland prairie over mostly even terrain. Use Big Prairie trails to connect to other trails in the Arboretum.

  • Rating:  Easy
  • Width:  Avg. gravel 60 inches | Avg. grass 120 inches
  • Surface:  Grass, packed dirt, gravel
  • Slope/Grade:  Mild slopes with max grade of 11%
  • Obstacles:  Washouts in dirt or gravel
  • Comfort:  High sun exposure, one bench along Arboretum Way
  • Traffic/Popularity:  Likely to encounter others, especially near Forest Giants Trail
  • Parking:  Multiple areas with accessible parking, located along Arboretum Way

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