Forest Hill Drive and Guerilla Hollow are closed until further notice.

Take Your Earth Day Celebration Home With You

By Amy Joseph Landon

EveryTree_pressEvent - 046Happy Earth Day! Here at Bernheim, we celebrate the earth and nature’s wonders 365 days a year. So can you. Making small changes in your daily routine or yard can make a difference in your carbon footprint. Here are a few tips to help you get started.

In Your Yard

Earth Day is a great time to plant a tree or native shrub or wildflower in your yard. You will enjoy its beauty, shade, and clean oxygen all year.

Weed problems? Try hand digging dandelions in your yard instead of spraying with poisons.   If you are persistent, dandelions will diminish over time.

Dedicate one corner of your yard, say 10%, to plant with native trees, shrubs and perennial flowers to create your own little wildlife sanctuary.

In Your Daily Routine

Promise to take at least one walk each week – preferably to replace an errand that otherwise would have used a car.

On Earth Day and every day, please do not idle your car engine when waiting in a parking lot, including drive-thru windows. Not only will entering the store or restaurant have benefits on the carbon dioxide levels, it will also do your body good to move around.

Because Kentucky has not yet banned plastic bags at stores, ask for paper bags or bring your own reusable bag – it takes oil and energy to produce all those plastic bags.  

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