Bernheim is closed on February 19.

Make Your Yard a Sanctuary for Birds

By Bernheim

With these 5 steps, your lawn and garden can be a beautiful and healthy environment to enjoy while supporting birds and other beneficial wildlife.

1. Be careful not to misuse herbicides, insecticides, and fertilizers. Birds have a challenging time foraging on barren lawns and in trees devoid of insects. Don’t fall for the mosquito control fad and insect foggers. These applications are ineffective, temporary solutions that kill many beneficial insects. Birds rely on insects, particularly caterpillars, for protein-rich food in the spring while feeding rapidly growing nestlings.

2. Feral and domestic cats are estimated to kill over a billion birds a year in North America. Keep your cat indoors and help spay and neuter feral cats.

3. Plant native shrubs and trees. Native plants support pollinators that birds and bats feed upon. Non-native species often do not provide habitat or forage to native insects thus leaving birds little to feed on. Bernheim offers many wonderful native plants at our plant sales to enhance your lawn and garden.

4. Encourage specific bird species to nest in your yard with nest boxes.

  • Bluebirds, wrens, robins, owls, and purple martins take advantage of nest boxes
  • Select boxes designed for specific species and place them in the proper locations
  • Clean boxes yearly
  • Protect from aggressive species that may steal nest boxes

5. Feeding stations are fun and attract birds. Black-oil sunflowers attract many species. Suet is desirable to attract woodpeckers and nuthatches, while thistle seed is what goldfinches desire. A nectar feeder is a magnet for hummingbirds. A simple mixture of 1 part cane sugar to 4 parts water is all that is required. Be sure to change the sugar fluid daily during hot weather and at least twice a week during milder weather.

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