Forest Hill Drive and Guerilla Hollow are closed until further notice.

It’s Spring Harvest Time: Isaac’s Café Specials March 21-25, 2016

By Kathy Hart

3-21-16 Kathy and Cole winter greens

Many celebrations of modern times are built on the foundation of ancient rituals, followed religiously by some cultures and given a modern flair.   At Isaac’s Café, we are celebrating the Edible Garden’s First Harvest!   Cole Alexander and I have just harvested tender Asian greens that will be the foundation for this week’s special.

The perfect way for you to celebrate the beauty of spring, the bounty of the earth and the gifts of garden would be to come on out to Bernheim, tour the Edible Garden, take a drive, or better yet a hike, to soak in this season’s color and vibrancy. Afterwards, head over to Isaac’s café to get a taste of spring!  Make it your new tradition!

This week’s special:  Thai Coconut Lime soup and Fresh Ginger salad.  Just $5.95

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