Introducing Savor the Season, a new adult educational program series

By Kristin Faurest

Winter is a season of recovery and preparation.”
—Travel writer Paul Theroux

The season we enter this week isn’t everyone’s favorite. But instead of mourning the by now-faded fall colors or longing for the distant horizon of spring, why not embrace and learn to love the stark beauty of the here and now?

And if you think it’s too cold and wet to go to Bernheim, you can enjoy the wonders of the forest firsthand with Bernheim’s experts in a brand new and exciting online adult educational series, Savor the Season: Embracing Winter at Bernheim!

Fill your chilly Friday lunchtimes in your own cozy space with vibrant, fun virtual programming about winter wildlife, useful plants, and how to identify trees in winter. Featured speakers are Director of Conservation Andrew Berry, Director of Horticulture and Sustainable Landscapes Renee Frith, Natural Areas Manager Evan Patrick and Interpretive Programs Manager Wren Smith. These seasoned experts will show you Bernheim as you’ve never seen it before.

Events take place over Zoom, with time for live questions and discussion afterward. Zoom links will be sent via email prior to the program. The cost is $40 for the series, including a bonus guided hike on a surprise theme at Bernheim in March. You can also sign up for individual sessions at  $12 per session (bonus hike not included). Space is limited, so sign up today! Sessions will be recorded so if you register and pay the fee but aren’t able to attend the live session, you’ll have access to it later. Click on any of the session titles below to register for any individual program or for the series.


Friday January 14, 12-12:45 p.m.
Director of Horticulture and Sustainable Landscapes Renee Frith: “Be My Bud: How to ID Trees in Winter.”

Friday January 28, 12-12:45 p.m.
Director of Conservation Andrew Berry and Natural Areas Manager Evan Patrick: “Golden Eagles of Bernheim.”

Friday February 11, 12-12:45 p.m.
Natural Areas Manager Evan Patrick and Director of Conservation Andrew Berry : “Hidden Wildlife of Bernheim.”

Friday February 25, 12-12:45 p.m.
Interpretive Programs Manager Wren Smith: “Foraging for useful plants in winter, searching for early signs of spring.”


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