Supporters of the Forest
Thank You for Supporting Bernheim!
From November 1, 2023 - Oct 31, 2024
List of Supporters
American Elm
Richard and Ellie Block
Maurice Kunz
Joan McCombs
Elaine Musselman
Brook and Pam Smith
Lindy B. Street
White Oak
Bradley Broecker
Christina Lee Brown
Debra Burnham
Jon and Mimi Burnham
Linda Dabney
Ann Price Davis and John Davis
Sandra Frazier
Henry V. Heuser, Jr.
Martha and Mark Slaughter
Woo Speed McNaughton
Marianne and James Welch
Tulip Poplar
William O. Alden III
Susan and Nick Baker
Bernard and Margaret Bernheim
Tom and Jody Block
Brooke Brown Barzun and Matthew Barzun
Sarah Collings
Jennifer Cottingham
Frank and Martha Diebold
Laura Diebold
Marshall Eldred and Andree Mondor
Derek Keith
Royand Linda Keith
Bryan Krausen and Julie Bixler
Dale and Patricia Ralston
Barbara Sandford and James G. Kuhns
Judah Skolnick
Seashols Starks
Anne and Carl Swope
David and Susan Vislisel
Gillian Werner
Sugar Maple
Robert Armstrong
Bruce and Nancy Baer
Edie Bingham
Cabrina Bosco
Pitsy and James Buren
Barbara Connelly
Laura Lee Gastis
Jill Golden and Zachary Wasserman
Frank and Kris Hower
Scot and Rene Hutcheson
W.W. Benton Keith and Maggie Keith
John and Claudine Mann
Austin and Janie Musselman
Ingrid Osswald and Steven Stern
Shirlea and John Pemberton
Penny Randall
Steve Ricketts and Caroline Waite
Laura and Doug Simcox
Ruth Simons
Pat and Herb Swartz
Margaret Thomas
Jane Welch
Flowering Dogwood
Dan and Bunny Abbott
Anuji Abraham and Anna Hayden
Edwin Ahrens
Lindsey and Brian Alicna
Lisa Archer and Bob Pfister
Hugh Archer
Madeleine and David Arnold
Clifford and Sarah Ashburner
Jay and Cara Baribeau
Mary Beale
Kathy Bean and Bob Kotheimer
Barrett and Laurie Birnsteel
- John Blankley and Maureen Foley
Rebecca Brady
David Brimm and Roberta Johnston
Allen Bush and Rose Cooper
Beth and William Cahaney
Mary Clay Stites
Dorothy Cordray
Nathan and Christy Crosley
Richard Dennis
Flowering Dogwood
Kimberly and Rachel Dixon
Brian and Michelle Doheny
Linda Doolittle
Maureen Gillardi
Lyle and Linda Graham
Susan Hamilton and Edwin Krebs
Mary Hancock
DeVon Hankins
Owen Hardy and Eleanor Flagler Hardy
Frederic and Mary Ellen Harned
Thomas and Allison Harris
Fred Hendler and Nancy Martin
Robert Hill and Marcie Smitha
Julie Hines
Paul and Regina Gilkey Hirn
Ken and Bridget Johnson
Daniel and Lisa Jones
Dan and Gerard Kauffmann
Paul Keith and Sarah Keith
Richard and Sonya Kessler
Kathryn and John Knotts
Debra and Philip Lichtenfels
Sally and Stanley MacDonald
Andrew McIntosh and Elizabeth Reisz
Flowering Dogwood
Patti Meyer and James Calonico
Phil and Janice Meyer
Richard Miller
Edie and Gouverneur Nixon
Penny Pearson
Sarah and Leo Pulte
Peter and Lisa Resnik
Edward and Helen Rhawn
Janette Rogers
Linda Ross
Ellen and Max Shapira
Marian Spencer
Steven and Sue Steller
Mary Ellen and Richard Stottmann
Julia Swords
Anne and Don Temple
Terri Thomas
Jennifer Tolen
Rich and Julie Urbach
Thorne and Sally Vail
Benjamin Vaughan
Louise Wall
Diana and Dan Ward
Elizabeth and Jason Waters
Kathleen and Matthew Watkins
Mary and Orme Wilson
Kathleen Wooldridge and Emily Young
Emily Bryson York and Aris Georgiadis
Lisa Zaring and Guthrie Zaring
Sherri and Rick Abbott
Lane and Garrett Adams
Sue and Jimmie Ballard
Cathy and James Barnes
Lucille and John Beckner
Terry and Kay Bennett
Molly Bingham and Steve Connors
Cecile Blau and Allen Oman
Edward and Kim Briand
Suzanne Brown-Siegel
Sandra and Alan Bryant
Jane Burbank
Donald Campbell
Suzanne Chase
Dorothy Coen
Jonathan and Rebecca Cohen
Sandra Collins
Mark Corvin
Angela and Matt Daugherty
Juliet Davenport
Diane Davis
Julie Distler
Danny and Rita Dobson
Sandra Dodge and Paul Pelton
Judith and Jonathon Erlen
Daymon Evans
Allan and Taeko Farman
Kevin and Marie Field
Jeffrey and Karen Filcik
Daniel Finn and Ellen Baker-Finn
Katherine and Kenneth Friedman
Bruce Furey and Nancy Redman-Furey
Paula and Curt Gaddis
Virginia and Davy Goff
Jodie Goldberg
Joshua and Beth Graham
Mike and Carol Green
Rebecca Greenlee
Pat and Frederick Hagan
William and Ruth Hancock
Kate Hannah
Judy Harden
Jeffery and Kenny Harryman
Marlies Heiland
Caroline and Tim Heine
Doris Hendricks
Gary and Louise Hicks
Mary Hiemer
Amy and Andrew Holley
Alan and Denise Hoskins
Kim Huston and Mike Sherer
Tony Hutti
Theresa and Sam Jensen
Lee Ra and Scott Johnson
Helen Jones and Tom Pike
Susan Joseph
Anne and Alfred Joseph
Cindy and Earl Kirkpatrick
Beth Kuhn and Ken Edwards
Barbara and David Lee
Mary K. Lynch
Robert MacDonald
Laurie MacKellar
Janine and Joseph Malone
David and Betty Marshall
Marion and Craig McClain
Ronald and Connie McLean
Walter and Lea Anne Montgomery
Lou Ann Moore and Mike Kohler
Rachel and Jason Nally
Scott and Vivian Neagli
Alyce Neji
Andrew and Ashley Noland
Scott and Maggie Osborne
Ona Owen
Penny and David Pearson
Donna and David Pence
Cindy and Mike Phelps
Kenneth and Alicia Reutlinger
Sean and Rachel Reynolds
Laura Roberts
Gwen Roddy
Douglas and Christina Rose
Theresa Sauer
Russell and Terri Saunders
Kimberly and Steven Schneider
Diane and Roger Shott
Jerome and Gerry Skees
Farrell and Karen Smith
Vernon and Peggy Smith
Cara and Tom Solley
George and Karin Sonnier
Barbara Stephens
John and Charlotte Stites
David and Bonnie Strange
Dace and King Stubbs
Margo Vallee
Kathy and Gerald Vowels
John and Elaine Wallace
Porter Watkins and George Bailey
Zeb and Mary Weese
Alice and Crawford Wells
Debbie Wentworth and Jack Pogue
Patricia and William West
Katie Wilkerson
Robert Wills and Lindsay Seilheimer
Jonathan and Stephi Wolff
Mark Wourms and Patricia Johnson
Hayley Abell
Daniel and Jessica Able
Elaine and Adriano Alicna
Mary and Charles Allgeier
Onyxe Antara and Monica Rothgery
Carrick Arehart and Alice Thompson
John Asher
Joseph Ballard
Robert and Beth Ballard
Terrian and Theresa Barnes
Gary and Lynne Barr
George and Rene Bauer
Warren and Wanda Bilkey
Barbara Block-Cohen and Oscar Cohen
James Boland
- Gavin Bradley
Marlene Broderick
Susan Brown
Karla and Todd Buckingham
Janet and Carl Busse Jr
Christine and Jayden Butorac
Margaret Carreiro
Dennis and Carol Carrithers
David and Debbie Chervenak
Cecilia and Larey Correll
Virginia Croket
Jesse and Michelle Cronen
Julie and James Cronin
Donna Crouch
Brigid Crush
Jerry Dalton
William and Karen Dean
John and Hollie Delaney
John DiEnno III
Nathan Dollens and Vicci Higgs
Karen Dorn
Scott and Susan Dowd
Elenore Downer and Greg Jolly
Mary and James Downs
Colin Drylie and Courtney McLeod
Elliott Drylie
Doug and Jennifer Eberhart
John and Carolyn Embry
Brad and Rae Carol Ennis
Richard and Bonnie Fellows
Vicky Ferriell
Connie and Robert Fischer
Catherine Ford and Everett Hoffman
Esperanza and Jerry Ford III
Elizabeth Fountain
Robert and Nancy Ganstine
Ed Garber and Sharon Lamb
James and Grace Giesel
Charlotte and Joel Gittelson
Carolyn and John Gleason
Alan and Joan Gould
Butch Grantz
Erin Green and Bennett Duckworth
Kim and Scott Greschel
Rachel Grimes and Alec Johnson
Diane Guenthner
Deborah Gunn
Mary Hackett
Marion Halliday
Sarah and David Hardy
Pat and Theresa Hargadon
Jerry Ellen and William Harrison
Mary and R. Brooks Hatcher
Zuela Hay
Terry and Terry Hayden
Dick and Alice Heaton
Erin and Kevin Heine
Scarlett Hibbs
David and Barbara Hinton
Patricia Hodge-Barker and John Barker
Suzanne Hoehne and Jennifer Kramer
Hollie Hopkins
Dudley Hosch
Kyle Hoylman and Jennifer Sims
Anna Huang and Robb Shrader
Martha Hurst
Gwen Hutchison
Eddie Ignacio and Lilliam Torres Acosta
Marybeth Irvine and Barbara Tonnissen
Teresa Isham and Mary O’Nan
Kim and David Ivings
Marilyn Jennings
Dennis and Tracy Johnson
Lisa Johnson
Kenneth and Nannette Johnston
Katherine Keller
Sarah and David Kelly
Michael Kemper and Annette Grisanti
Christopher Klein and Erin Burke
Robert Kulp
Kim and Mac Lacy
Brenda Lamb
Amy and Matt Landon
Sharon Larue and Albert Bryant
Kirk and Carla Joan Latsha
Debra and John Lentz
Ray and Julie Kelly
Leigh and Mark Logsdon
Bill Loper
- and Floricel Macke
Jama and Frank Mackin
Wendy and Wayne Mains
Bradley Manthey
Glenda Marker and Brent Garrett
Robert Marshall
Michael and Estelle Mattingly
Charles McClure and Tori Murden-McClure
Michael McDonald
Patricia and Kevin McDowell
Dorothy and George McNair
Neil Mellen and Mavin Martin
Glenn and Peggy Metzger
Robert and DiAnne Montgomery
Peter and Michele Mott
Joseph Mudd
Patrick and Sybil Ann Murphy
Deborah Mynhier and Terry Cornett
Clara Newman
Bernard Novgorodoff and Deborah Potts Novgorodoff
Judith Olliges
Susie and John Page
Maura and Edward Pascucci
Lee Payne
Bonnie Pendergrass Cecil
Terri and Joe Phelps
Thomas and Alex Pike
Mona and K. Powell
Gayle Prichard and J. Gregor Newland
Brenda and Lewis Priddy
Susan and Gary Pyles
Michael Ramsey III
Michael Ratterman and Ashley McDonald
David and Anne Redemann
Judith Regina
Barton and Marchant Reutlinger
Kenneth and Constance Richey
Michael and Judith Robison
George and Tania Rodgers
Joseph and Joyce Rogers
Robert Schindler and Claudia Barteldes-Schindler
John and Mary Jo Schneider
Jerri and Phillip Schuler
Anne Scott Dadds and Harry Dadds
Jim and Karen Scout
Shannon and Michael Scroggins
Judy and Terry Sellars
Robert and Victoria Shader
Penelope Shaw
Kenneth and Sher’re Shepard
Mark Shircliff
Carrie Shoaf
Raymond and Susan Smith
Ralph and Dorothy Sneve
Carol and Joseph Spalding
Whitney Spinks
Kendall and Irene Spyke
Anna St Charles and Jim Hines
Susan Staugas
Kenneth Stewart
William and Jane Stopher
Gerald and Pamela Sturgeon
Elizabeth and Kenny Tabb
Don and Janis Tarter
Cynthia and Jason Tinnell
Joseph and Joy Trigg
Michael and Kim Turner
Liz Vail
Tom and Necole Vano
Paul Vice and Alison Ewart
Laurie and George Vieth
Henry and Patricia Watson
Noreen Weeden and Eddie Bartley
Bruce and Lora Whearty
Patrick and Celia Whelan
Terry Williams
Doug and Jeanne Wilson
Marla Wilson and Brad Jones
Bubba Wood and Glennyce Wood
Rebecca and Mike York
Mark Yost
Michael Zufall
Grants & Sponsorships
External Partners
Aetna Better Health of Kentucky
Amazon LUK7
American Online Giving Foundation, Inc
Arvato Supply Chain Solutions
Beckham Bird Club
BlueOval SK
Brown-Forman Corporation
Central Kentucky Community Foundation
Cherry Bekaert Advisory LLC
Chubb Charitable Foundation
Clifton Foundation Inc.
Collective Wellness & Spa
Columbia Sportswear Co. Employee Store
Commonwealth of Kentucky
Community Foundation of Louisville
Costco Workplace Giving Campaign
Delta Dental of Kentucky
Equid Branches Wellness Services
E-Z Construction
First Harrison Bank
Flaget Memorial Hospital
Forest Edge Winery
Frank & Evelyn Schmidt Family Foundation
FS Foundation
Fund for the Arts
External Partners
Gallant Fox Brewing
The Gardner Foundation, Inc.
GE Appliances, a Haier Company
Gordon Food Service
Great Meadows Foundation, Inc.
Greater Louisville Sierra Club
Gresham Smith
Hardscuffle, Inc.
Heaven Hill Distilleries, Inc.
Heine Brothers Coffee
KEEN, Inc.
Kentucky Eye Care
Imperiled Bat Conservation Fund
Kroger Community Rewards
Leda K. Holt Thurston & Gordon Thurston Endowment Fund
Limbwalker Tree Service
Louisville Center for Spiritual Living
Louisville Earth Walk
Louisville Metro Government Office of Sustainability
Louisville Salt Cave
Louisville Sustainability Council
Louisville Water Foundation
Mattingly & Howell Orthodontics
McBrayer PLLC
Northwestern Mutual
Orbis Corporation
External Partners
Owen LaRue Financial Group
The Owsley Brown II Family Foundation
PayPal Charitable Giving Fund
Pettus Foundation
PNC Charitable Trusts
Romo Charitable Fund
Schmidt Family Foundation, Inc.
Sterling Thompson Co.
Stock Yards Bank and Trust
Suntory Global Spirits
Swope Auto Center
Swope Family of Dealerships
The Temple Brotherhood
UofL Health – South Hospital
- L. Lyons Brown Foundation
WestRock Foundation
WHAS Crusade for Children
Wilson & Muir Bank and Trust Company